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Join us for ULALABS session "The Emerging Lab of Labs - Activities, Experiences, and Outcomes of the First Year of the Project"


Join us for an engaging session on Friday, 31st January, from 13:00 to 14:30 CET, as we present the results, activities, lessons learned, and key insights from the first year of the Erasmus+ ULALABS project.

In this session, entitled "The Emerging Lab of Labs - Activities, Experiences, and Outcomes of the First Year of the Project" we will share insights from our publication on the status quo, including a literature review and findings from our regional ecosystems on urban experimentation spaces, including living labs, testbeds, sandboxes and others. We will also present key findings from selected and analysed case studies of diverse urban experimentation spaces across different ECIU partner regions. Additionally, we will share the developed Future vision of a Lab of Labs, a translocal distributed living lab, and share the results of our research on learning communities and transformative learning, resulting in the baseline definition of the Mutual Learning Community we envision.

The session will include interactive parts and highlight the next steps and opportunities to engage in the second year of our project.

Event Details:

  • Date: Friday, 31st January

  • Time: 13:00 - 14:30 CET

  • Platform: Online via Microsoft Teams (registration required)

  • Open to public.

Register Now: here

More details and the agenda will be shared soon.

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University Lab of Labs for Transformative Societal Innovation

Articulating Collaborative and Inclusive Learning Communities through shared R+D+i agendas among European regions 

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The project is co-funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the National Agency SEPIE can be held responsible for them.

© 2024 by UAB team for ULALABS.


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