
The operational vision of the ULALABS project is to articulate the diverse urban experimentation spaces emerging in the different ECIU partner regions into a distributed Living Lab which is centered around a vibrant learning community, focusing on sustainable urban transformations; such a “meta-lab” can tackle in a coordinated manner shared challenges within the ECIU ecosystem reinforcing the R+D+i infrastructures and capacities of the ECIU university and augmenting its overall impact.

There are multiple ways in which Universities can use knowledge within a challenge-based approach, whether challenge-based research (CBR), learning (CBL) and innovation (CBI). In practice, the distinctions between CBR, CBL and CBI are vague since newly produced knowledge may subsequently or simultaneously be used for innovative or educational purposes, and these activities may in turn initiate or supportthe production of new knowledge.

The living-lab approach as a methodology for innovation and co-creation, is an effective tool to clarify and further develop new visions regarding social problems and to propose innovative solutions. We stand for bold experimentation in research and education by setting up a European innovation arena for all stakeholders. A distributed
living lab on a european ECIU level that can enhance these processes and help achieve greater impact.

Universities can play a key role and
be at the core of regional knowledge generation processes especially when those universities have an explicit role in guaranteeing Open Science encompassing unhindered access to scientific knowledge and access to data from public research, so that research outputs are in the hands of as many as possible,
and potential benefits are spread
as widely as possible.

The distributed lab Includes the external connectedness of regions, the european dimension which guarantees sustained flow of global knowledge to stimulate innovation and growth for European regions. Universities, cities and regions are interconnected to maximise
benefits of the ecosystem, and
enterprises find benefits in
like-minded stakeholders, researchers and learners.

Create a safe space where learning
communities can flourish around the existing and newly generated knowledge on shared urgent challenges and relevant societal topics, such as SDG11. Together we will establish a hybrid, a human-centric but digitally-enabled space, which will allow communities to collaborate, grow and innovate across boundaries.

The ECIU research agenda is set based on the needs of society with an integral connection to education. Invest in synergies between education, research and funding, so that various policies can reinforce each other. In this sense seek maximum synergy with local shared agendas and their respective ecosystems and processes.

Providing equal access to opportunities and resources for communities who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized

A safe place to experiment, try out new ideas and methods and learn from each other

Enabling inputs and scoping across scientific and non-scientific stakeholder communities and facilitating a systemic way of addressing a challenge

Radical Collaboration
Collaborating and empowering each other to do things differently for a more impactful outcome

Systemic Vision
Looking at complex chellenges and considering their interconnectedness and interdependencies

Accelerate processes and learning outcomes in the respective institutions and overall conbsortium