On Tuesday, October 22, in representation of the ECIU University Alliance the ULALABS project, participated in the first European Living Labs Hub virtual meeting, promoted by European University Alliances.
The Hub aims to promote Living Labs as key drivers of innovation in Higher Education by fostering Engaged Research, including Citizen Science and innovation with society, industry, and start-ups. It also seeks to build the capacity of Higher Education to develop user-centred open innovation ecosystems and promote field-building activities through Communities of Practice and a governance structure that connects as many Higher Education Living Labs initiatives as possible across the different European University Alliances.
We had the chance to learn about the HUB's motivation and initial objectives, interact with other Living Labs and University Alliances and highlight briefly some of the work we have been doing with the ULALABS project so far. We are delighted to be part of this initiative and look forward to creating synergies with our project, as our aims and objectives align perfectly. We are excited about the collaboration opportunities ahead!
Meeting Agenda