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Sharing the publication "The Emerging Lab of Labs: Practices and Experiences of European Urban Experimentation Spaces"


We are delighted to share our latest publication, "The Emerging Lab of Labs: Practices and Experiences of European Urban Experimentation Spaces." 

This report is a key first-year deliverable of our ULALABS project (WP2), which aims to define a theoretical and practical framework for the implementation and operation of a European Distributed Living Lab focused on urban challenges and climate change. This “Lab of Labs” is envisioned as a shared and interconnected R+D+I infrastructure among HEI partners to promote transformative innovation policies and practices within and among European regions through the articulation of open and collaborative Learning Communities and Shared Agendas.

To initiate the process, there was an initial need to perform baseline research, understand the state of the art, and identify relevant practices present in the four partner regions and countries, as well as other European countries.

This publication presents the results of this baseline research, including a literature review and findings from our regional ecosystems on urban experimentation spaces, such as living labs, testbeds, sandboxes, and others.

Our report offers insights into promising practices, structures, and experiences of urban experimentation spaces. It highlights the role these spaces play in accelerating sustainable innovation and fostering collaborative learning. The joint analysis conducted by researchers from all four partner institutes, along with contributions from regional and European stakeholders, outlines the key elements and roles of these spaces.

The report sheds light on the four regional ecosystems of each of the Higher Education Institutions involved in this project, their stakeholders, and concludes with a set of recommendations.

Our analysis highlights the relevance of context and the specificity of each case, demonstrating the existence of shared values and methodologies that can be tailored to specific needs. It also emphasizes the necessity of engaging multiple and diverse stakeholders, the central role of local institutions, and the importance of challenge-based approaches.

The corresponding sections provide insight into the conceptual frameworks and processes relevant to the study and the overall objective of the project, namely the research and definition of the diverse urban experimentation spaces that are emerging in our contemporary cities/regions. It also conceptually understands and relates to the concept of learning communities, which is at the core of the efforts of the Ulalabs project and will be explored in subsequent Work Packages.

We invite you to explore this report and discover the innovative approaches and recommendations that can help shape the future of urban experimentation and sustainability.


We would like to thank the participants of our workshops, surveys and interviews for their valuable contribution to this study and resulting publication.

Without the active engagement of the stakeholder partners in our regional ecosystems this work would not be possible. We would further like to acknowledge the support from our ECIU colleagues, and from all project partners that supported the work on this report with their energy, insights and feedback throughout the process.

You can read the report here:

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University Lab of Labs for Transformative Societal Innovation

Articulating Collaborative and Inclusive Learning Communities through shared R+D+i agendas among European regions 

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The project is co-funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the National Agency SEPIE can be held responsible for them.

© 2024 by UAB team for ULALABS.


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